Saturday, February 28, 2009

South of the Bridge

Another week at Harlaxton (no pix, hey we are busy) and another weekend (last weekend) in London.

A coffee in a little shop next to the Exchange (here, looking across to the Bank), and then off to Guildhall.

Huge plug for their online Collage image database, but at least one 19th-century plan of Bedford House ca. 1690 and its gardens bordering on Covent Garden was not yet in the database, so they kindly allowed me to take some photographs (unsure of copyright on putting that online, so will not for the time being).

Another day at the British Library and then across London Bridge by night. (This image reflects an attempt to be arty.)

Monument from across the river (flame lit at the top). [The Monument can be seen on the Shaftesbury Medal of 1681 and the broadside Erra Pater’s Prophecy or Frost Faire 1684/3 for the historians in the audience.]

Finally, some modern meets post-modern interior for my interior designer daughter (actually there was nothing post-modern about the very real glass that I crashed into trying to take this picture a little too close at first).

And Dagni looking remarkably good-natured considering that her full bout of flu would settle in about 30 minutes later in the midst of London Bridge Market. And so, back to Harlaxton on the evening train.

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